Tuesday, August 20, 2013



Dying has never been an easy thing for any man to go through. But, for any man to delight in dying there must be a driving force on his inside. A look into the life and ministry of Jesus reveals so many challenges as well as gets one pondering how Christ could choose to die willingly for unworthy man. There was a fire on the inside of Him which is commonly referred to as “PASSION.”  This passion was so strong in Him that nothing else mattered but His declaration: “I come in the volume that is written concerning me; to do thy will oh God!” He was so passionate that He constantly looked forward to the day His Father would lift Him up as the Son of man, though He knew that this in anyway was not going to be a delightsome experience. We could practically see all of these when He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane “…not my will but thy will be done.” Lk. 22:42.
Passion was what propelled Christ in fulfilling His purpose with such unequaled strength and vigor. This passion kept Him glued to His purpose. The spiritual definition of Passion is the suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ at crucifixion. Having a vision is good but you must hold tenaciously to that vision and that is where Passion comes to play. Christ was so passionate that He was so conscious of the appointed hour. John 2:3-4, John 18:4 “Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, and said unto them, Whom seek ye?”

Reflection: You have read the account of Jesus often times; how much impact has this made in your life?


Monday, August 19, 2013



“It is amazing that the yardstick, by which some are considered authorities on subject of worship, is their doctorate degree in theology. By such undue emphasis on the wisdom and knowledge acquired through the teachings of mortal men, some with a doctorate degree in psychology have been empowered with the responsibility of acceptable behaviours in worship.” (Taken from the book Finding Fresh Passion to Worship, Chpt. 2). If we do not have a true knowledge of the sovereignty of the father, we will always want to phantom His ways of operation by our reasoning abilities and this will be far different from the true desires of the Father. It takes a heart that has the right standing with God to give a clear definition of worship. Worship is supposed to be a communication from a heart flowing with love to the father. And this can only be accomplished by one who has a true intimate fellowship with the Lord. If you do not know or have a relationship with God you will always end up giving the wrong definition to true worship
Key point: never allow your credentials or your position help define true worship. Because worship, is from the heart.

Thursday, August 15, 2013



The great revivals and moves of God are not limited to the pages of the scriptures as we are the living epistles of God in our generation. Some people may never open the pages of the scriptures or come to church to meditate on the word of God but they cannot help but relate with us one way or the other and that is where the Lord depends on us to let the world see His glory.
 “Heaven knows we need a wave of God’s revival to restore
the church back to the place of passionate worship, and the
time is now.
If the glory of the latter will be greater than that of the
former, then there must be something more than what we
have ever seen or heard.” FFPW pg.164.
The glory of the former house was upon the temple of Solomon but the glory of the latter house is upon the individual that has become the temple of God indwelling us by the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16). When the people of God come to acknowledge this then there will come an unusual move of God of great proportion. Gradually the understanding is spreading and there is this shift in the church of God that is giving birth to strange ministries that need no formal registration before they begin to affect a great multitude. The river of glory is flowing and the days of glory are here.
That which only motivates men to seek their own materialistic gain is not qualified to be called revival. If the world can produce the same result it is not the revival we speak of. There is much more to it.
The prophet Elijah stood alone against the 450 prophets of Baal (1 kings 18:22) and at the end of the day the nation was restored back to God because when the people saw fire fall from heaven they fell down and worshipped saying “the Lord, He is God; the Lord He is God ” (1 Kings 18:39). When people encounter the glory they worship.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013



Dying has never been an easy thing for any man to go through. But, for any man to delight in dying there must be a driving force on his inside. A look into the life and ministry of Jesus reveals so many challenges as well as gets one pondering how Christ could choose to die willingly for unworthy man. There was a fire on the inside of Him which is commonly referred to as “PASSION.”  This passion was so strong in Him that nothing else mattered but His declaration: “I come in the volume that is written concerning me; to do thy will oh God!” He was so passionate that He constantly looked forward to the day His Father would lift Him up as the Son of man, though He knew that this in anyway was not going to be a delightsome experience. We could practically see all of these when He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane “…not my will but thy will be done.” Lk. 22:42.
Passion was what propelled Christ in fulfilling His purpose with such unequaled strength and vigor. This passion kept Him glued to His purpose. The spiritual definition of Passion is the suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ at crucifixion. Having a vision is good but you must hold tenaciously to that vision and that is where Passion comes to play. Christ was so passionate that He was so conscious of the appointed hour. John 2:3-4, John 18:4 “Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, and said unto them, Whom seek ye?”

Reflection: You have read the account of Jesus often times; how much impact has this made in your life?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013



There are people with extraordinary testimonies which make them stand out. Not just anything can happen with such people because events around them are controlled. This is so because they carry the glory of God. According to our passage for today, because they are a royal priesthood their petitions to God receive priority attention. As a holy nation they have divine immunity wherever they go. As a peculiar people others cannot mess around them, and because they are a chosen generation, they enjoy VIP treatment. Their divine identity gives them an edge over others in the issues of life. For a child of God reading this devotional, God will make it very obvious that Angels are attending to you. According to His word in Psalm 91, certainly, a thousand shall fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but they will not come near you. Divine protection is your portion. Whoever stands against you shall fall for your sake. God is your help, therefore all evil scheming against your life have already failed. You will continually be a surprise and a wonder to your generation because the awesome God is your Father. This is the day the Lord who is your Father has made, therefore it will favour you so you can rejoice and be glad in it. Step out as bold as a lion because your God is with you and you are not ordinary.


Monday, August 12, 2013



The passage for today is one passage that has been misinterpreted and unnecessarily generalized when the subject of giving is being discussed. The problem is that the wrong interpretation has been preached over and again for many years and not many are careful enough to read and understand the actual issue the Lord was addressing at this point. So as we read it again please take note that he was address our attitude during arms giving (charity) to the less privileged. God does not want you to make the one you are helping feel embarrassed or look pitiable and unfortunate before others. That is why your left hand must not know what the right hand is doing. Besides what you have and the power to get wealth are from God, it was not by your power.  Hiding under the misinterpretation of verse 3 many do not give at all and others give far below their ability. The issue being addressed here is different from other kinds of giving. When the people gave in Moses’ time others saw what they gave (Read Ex 35:4-5, 21-22 & 36:2-7), this is also true when David (1Chron 21:25, 28:14), Solomon (1King 3:3-40), Barnabas (Acts 4:36-37) and even Ananias and Sapphira gave (See Acts 5:1-2)
Matthew  chapter 5:23-24 addresses the issue of a particular giving to God but it is much more than giving money, it is the offering of an animal for peace offering or some form of atonement. In this case, you are expected to leave it there and go make peace with your fellow man because you are seeking peace with God. For if you do not forgive others their trespasses you hinder yourself from receiving forgiveness from God.  But chapter 6:1-4 must not be unnecessarily generalized.


Friday, August 9, 2013

TEXT: Eccl 9:11

The race of life is not run with physical strength but divine grace. Many people have tried to rise to prominence only to find out that there is more to their pursuit than they anticipated. Life seems to haul all kinds of test from every direction when some are not looking. Some have concluded that life is not fair because when they considered their predicament, they could not tell why they have to fight so much battles and why others are having an easy ride. Like Job, they wish they can find the creator and get answers to their unanswered questions.  But if they can only look carefully, paying attention to details they will come see that the answers have always been there. The preacher in our scriptural passage of today calls our attention to the fact that “the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong”. If you go by carnal judgement you will miss it. He said “but time and chance happens to them all” which is an indication that everybody seems to have equal opportunity but not everyone is positioned and sensitive enough to recognize it. This is where a child of God who continually fellowships with the Holy Spirit has a strong advantage over others. Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit to counsel and guide us in the issues of life and as we follow his leading we can never be stranded in life. Follow the instructions of the Lord and you will make it. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013


I once visited the prison to minister to prisoners and one of the inmates told me his story. He said his ordeal began one evening when he decided to go for a walk and suddenly somebody began screaming “that is the man, that is the man” before he could ask what was the matter? A crowd pounced on him and gave him the beating of his life. But for the intervention of the police they almost killed him. By the time he was speaking to me he had spent over 5 years in prison awaiting trial. His steps almost led to his death. May you not embark on the journey that will bring you sorrow. When this man came to the worship center inside the prison, his steps led him to his deliverance because after prayers the day his case came up in court he was discharged and acquitted. I was in court that day to witness the judges’ verdict and his freedom. Today, in any way you have wandered into trouble God is bringing you out in Jesus name. If you have missed the way you will hear the voice of Lord behind you saying “this is the way walk in it” (See Isaiah 30:21)  Our scripture for today reveals to us that the steps of a child of God are ordered by God, therefore, because your steps are ordered by God you will always progress. You will go forward and upward in Jesus name. God will level every mountain and hill on your way and bring you to your destiny in Jesus name. Now that you are led by God you and your children can never experience lack or poverty. Walk with God in righteousness and all will be well. Shalom!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


“Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such a thing?
Can a land be born in one day? Can a nation be brought forth all at once?
As soon as Zion travailed, she also brought forth her son.” Isa. 66:8
For some time now people have been talking about the move of God in certain places and in terms of dispensation, but the truth is “...God is no respecter of persons: but in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted in him (Act  10:34-35).” You can walk in the supernatural of God if you would seek Him with all your heart. God is willing to have one thousand Billy Grahams spread all over the world but until we prepare our hearts for the assignment it will remain only a wish. People are wasting their time trying to build an empire for themselves in the name of God. Jesus said “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me”(Luke 9:23). It is a personal walk and decision that needs to be considered “daily”.  These are the days many without theological training by any religious body will become a weapon in the hand of God. They will do exploits because of their hunger for the word of God, they will receive divine insight into scriptures and demonstrate an undaunted faith in God that will be blessed with signs and wonders.
 “Unconventional and unusual worshippers
will become the catalyst by which the process is accelerated.
As they travail in worship, the presence of the Lord will be
released and many will be endued with power from on high.
This revival is here.” FFPW pg.158.
List five reasons why the supernatural is in short supply in many lives and places of worship.
Make a plan to renew your passion for the manifestation of the supernatural daily and keep a journal to document this spiritual journey. It will amaze you what you will record within three weeks.
Tell others about the awesomeness of our God today.


Friday, August 2, 2013


18.   WAIT
MEMORY VERSE: But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31

Waiting on the Lord is something that a lot of people try to avoid. Why? I guess everybody is looking for a way that does not include waiting. What does it take to wait on the Lord? Waiting on the Lord is seeking the Lord, searching Him out. This might involve fasting but definitely involves praying.
To some people, waiting is so difficult and makes a situation look like there will never be a solution. But this is not so, waiting, I believe, is the period where God builds in a believer, the ability to persevere, it is the time where the believer learns how to hold on to God no matter the conditions around, he learns how to tarry in His presence. It is the time where the strength of the believer is renewed.
The Bible says that those who wait on the Lord will not get tired of running the Christian race. It also says that they will mount up with wings as eagles; this means that they will not struggle to move upward, they will just glide like the eagle and find themselves in the next level. You will not struggle in this life to be great but greatness will attend to you as you wait on the Lord.
The last part says that they will run and not be weary, that is they will not get tired, drained or exhausted as you run this Christian race, it may been difficult but you will not get tired. It also says they will walk and not faint, in our walk with the Lord we will not faint or collapse because the Lord will strengthen us. Even when the youths faint and are weary, those who wait on Him will have their strength renewed even if they are old
All we need to do is to learn how to wait on the Lord. Prayer Point: Teach me how to wait upon You Lord.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


 THE PURPOSE AND CALL OF GOD (Part 2). TEXT: Genesis 12: 1-3
In the call of Abraham we are given insight on how to access divine blessings and the fulfillment of our destiny. After leaving his country, his kindred and his father’s house, he is to just keep going to a place he does not know but God assured him that when he gets there He will let him know. Some people have followed after their own lustful desires and have settled down like Lot in the place of their own choosing. Until God tells you to move it is not wise to move an inch. Until God reveals to you the place please stand with one leg there and don’t do anything permanent. Some people traveled abroad and because they want to continue there they made arrangement to get married to a citizen there so they can have the citizenship of that country. When a man lacks divine vision and understanding he will settle for that which appeals to the eye. Following God to the place where He reveals the place He then promised to make Abraham great and bless him there. Your true greatness is in the place of your calling, do all you can to locate it and stay there. When we obey God to this place where He makes us great and blesses us like Abraham, the next level He takes you to is the point where you become a blessing. And at this point whoever blesses you becomes bless. If they give you anything or do anything for you, they will provoke the blessings of God upon their life. In the same vein, who ever tries to curse you will suddenly receive divine judgment. In the place of your calling, you attract and activate all that you need to succeed until you become the envy of all around you (See Genesis 26:1-3, 12-14). When people begin to acknowledge that they have been blessed because of you, then you are truly blessed.