Thursday, July 25, 2013


Everyone of us try to prove to others that we are wise but sometimes we do not need someone else to tell us that we are foolish so who is a wise man? From our scriptural passage we can see that there is much more to wisdom than our opinion. Verse 6 of the passage reveals to us that one way to be counted among the wise is for you to forsake the foolish. If you must be able to forsake the foolish then you must know how to identify one. Psalms 53:1 makes us understand that the man who believes there is no God is a fool, so you must not make such fellow your companion. If you think you know more than God and you choose to keep company with him, when the trouble and the evil that is meant for him arrives you will have your own portion. Verse 7 of today’s passage advice's us not to waste time rebuking a scorner or a wicked man because they will embarrass you for trying to help them. So if you are wise you will leave them alone. As the saying goes “Silence is the best answer given to a fool”. Verse 8 says this kind of person will hate you for correcting him and when they hate you, they do so big time. You can tell what the reaction of some people will be from the way they have responded to various issues, therefore your wisdom is in your ability to take them as they are and you will be just fine. But when you rebuke those who are wise, they will love you more and show much gratitude, as found in the B part of verse 8.  Who is a wise man? If you get angry or go about with a sullen face because you were corrected, you are a fool. Sorry, I did not say so, the word of God says so. Verse 9 tells us that instruction makes a wise man wiser, therefore the man who follows and rejoices when instructed is a wise man and the one who complains is a fool. The verses 9 and 10 reveals that the man with the fear of the Lord has access to divine wisdom, therefore the man without the fear of God is foolish. The wise man is not a shamed to identify with God. Are you a wise man?
-          REV. IGHO L.Y 

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