Wednesday, July 31, 2013


 “The rest of our lives unto eternity will never be enough to
show Him how much we love Him. So don’t let one more hour
go by without expressing your love to Him. Let your worship
rise to Him as a sweet fragrance of love, for He is worthy of our
worship.” FFPW pg. 128.                     
Often than not we worship by just going through the routine. We say words we are not fully committed to. When most of us pray over our meal it is just another religious obligation and sometimes we cannot even remember what we said. The kind of prayer that changes circumstances and situations are often very sincere, heartfelt, and soul stirring. They may not have all the flowery words, heavy vocabulary and poetic rhymes but they produce the desired result. 
“If the shedding of tears
does truly convey the deep-seated feelings of our heart, then
there will be times when the expression of our tears should
count as worship. More often than not, tears are indicative of
an emotional relationship between one person and another.” FFPW pg.129
It is possible for someone to seat in a worship experience without saying a word but the tear drop from his eyes will reveal that so much is happening on the inside much more than words could express. So, do not be quick to judge.
The man who has often felt the precious, loving and gentile embrace of the Lord is expected to be more tender and sensitive from the heart. They are different from others.


Tuesday, July 30, 2013


The passage for today is one passage that has been misinterpreted and unnecessarily generalized when the subject of giving is being discussed. The problem is that the wrong interpretation has been preached over and again for many years and not many are careful enough to read and understand the actual issue the Lord was addressing at this point. So as we read it again please take note that he was address our attitude during arms giving (charity) to the less privileged. God does not want you to make the one you are helping feel embarrassed or look pitiable and unfortunate before others. That is why your left hand must not know what the right hand is doing. Besides what you have and the power to get wealth are from God, it was not by your power.  Hiding under the misinterpretation of verse 3 many do not give at all and others give far below their ability. The issue being addressed here is different from other kinds of giving. When the people gave in Moses’ time others saw what they gave (Read Ex 35:4-5, 21-22 & 36:2-7), this is also true when David (1Chron 21:25, 28:14), Solomon (1King 3:3-40), Barnabas (Acts 4:36-37) and even Ananias and Sapphira gave (See Acts 5:1-2)

Matthew  chapter 5:23-24 addresses the issue of a particular giving to God but it is much more than giving money, it is the offering of an animal for peace offering or some form of atonement. In this case, you are expected to leave it there and go make peace with your fellow man because you are seeking peace with God. For if you do not forgive others their trespasses you hinder yourself from receiving forgiveness from God.  But chapter 6:1-4 must not be unnecessarily generalized.

Friday, July 26, 2013



There are people who seem to have difficulty succeeding and they cannot tell or understand why. They will tell you that they do not understand what is happening to them because they have tried all kinds of job and it seems whatever they put their hands to seem not to prosper. If others are doing it and are making it, when they put their hands to it everything will turn sour. But the man who is a child of God is blessed in all his endeavors  The blessing of Abraham is flowing through him unto overflow. Blessings go after him till he is overwhelmed and others around him benefit from it. According to Deut. 28, because you are a child of God you are blessed, in the city, in the field, in the fruit of your body, in your farm (job), businesses, as you come and go, in the battles of life and whatever you put your hand to do.  You are too loaded to fail. Refuse any other report and stand on the promises of God for your life. You are not permitted to be behind or under in life. You are the hand work of God and because his hand is at work in and through you everything you touch will succeed and so shall it be in Jesus name. Refuse to settle for anything less and you will see the glory of God made manifest in your life. The works of your hands are blessed because God is with you.

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Everyone of us try to prove to others that we are wise but sometimes we do not need someone else to tell us that we are foolish so who is a wise man? From our scriptural passage we can see that there is much more to wisdom than our opinion. Verse 6 of the passage reveals to us that one way to be counted among the wise is for you to forsake the foolish. If you must be able to forsake the foolish then you must know how to identify one. Psalms 53:1 makes us understand that the man who believes there is no God is a fool, so you must not make such fellow your companion. If you think you know more than God and you choose to keep company with him, when the trouble and the evil that is meant for him arrives you will have your own portion. Verse 7 of today’s passage advice's us not to waste time rebuking a scorner or a wicked man because they will embarrass you for trying to help them. So if you are wise you will leave them alone. As the saying goes “Silence is the best answer given to a fool”. Verse 8 says this kind of person will hate you for correcting him and when they hate you, they do so big time. You can tell what the reaction of some people will be from the way they have responded to various issues, therefore your wisdom is in your ability to take them as they are and you will be just fine. But when you rebuke those who are wise, they will love you more and show much gratitude, as found in the B part of verse 8.  Who is a wise man? If you get angry or go about with a sullen face because you were corrected, you are a fool. Sorry, I did not say so, the word of God says so. Verse 9 tells us that instruction makes a wise man wiser, therefore the man who follows and rejoices when instructed is a wise man and the one who complains is a fool. The verses 9 and 10 reveals that the man with the fear of the Lord has access to divine wisdom, therefore the man without the fear of God is foolish. The wise man is not a shamed to identify with God. Are you a wise man?
-          REV. IGHO L.Y 

Friday, July 19, 2013



It is impossible to gain the attention of the world without an extraordinary manifestation that cannot be easily explained or reproduced. Those who walk in the glory realm have become channels for the release of the flow of the river of God.

Sometimes we fail to realize that our hunger and expectation to see the move of God was actually placed there by God (See Philippians 2:13). After waiting for a while and nothing seems to have happened, we become discouraged and we settle for a normal life. The truth is that the vision of God is for an appointed time far from our calculation. But if we will be patient and wait for it we will see it fulfilled (See Habakkuk 2:2). It is one level to have the glory of God released on you, it is another level to have it flowing through you to others and this is a great responsibility. We have often limited the move of God to the four walls of the church when in actual reality God wants to reveal His glory as we interact with people at work, on the street, on the bus and wherever we go. When we are in a continuous fellowship with the Spirit, the manifestation of the word of knowledge, prophecy, gift of faith, healing and other manifestations of the Spirit will not be limited to special religious meetings. It becomes part of our everyday living and this is what it means to be full of the Holy Spirit (See Acts 6:3).

Make practical efforts to disabuse your mind from the erroneous idea that the manifestation of the personality and gifts of the Spirit is meant to be at some great church services, it is a delusion of the enemy.
You are not only a seed of Abraham but also a vessel full of the Holy Ghost and power; through you the Father desires to show forth His glory. Let someone see His glory today.


Thursday, July 18, 2013


TEXT: Eccl 9:11

The race of life is not run with physical strength but divine grace. Many people have tried to rise to prominence only to find out that there is more to their pursuit than they anticipated. Life seems to haul all kinds of test from every direction when some are not looking. Some have concluded that life is not fair because when they considered their predicament, they could not tell why they have to fight so much battles and why others are having an easy ride. Like Job, they wish they can find the creator and get answers to their unanswered questions.  But if they can only look carefully, paying attention to details they will come see that the answers have always been there. The preacher in our scriptural passage of today calls our attention to the fact that “the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong”. If you go by carnal judgement you will miss it. He said “but time and chance happens to them all” which is an indication that everybody seems to have equal opportunity but not everyone is positioned and sensitive enough to recognize it. This is where a child of God who continually fellowships with the Holy Spirit has a strong advantage over others. Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit to counsel and guide us in the issues of life and as we follow his leading we can never be stranded in life. Follow the instructions of the Lord and you will make it. 


Wednesday, July 17, 2013



 “The rest of our lives unto eternity will never be enough to
show Him how much we love Him. So don’t let one more hour
go by without expressing your love to Him. Let your worship
rise to Him as a sweet fragrance of love, for He is worthy of our
worship.” FFPW pg. 128.                     
Often than not we worship by just going through the routine. We say words we are not fully committed to. When most of us pray over our meal it is just another religious obligation and sometimes we cannot even remember what we said. The kind of prayer that changes circumstances and situations are often very sincere, heartfelt, and soul stirring. They may not have all the flowery words, heavy vocabulary and poetic rhymes but they produce the desired result. 
“If the shedding of tears
does truly convey the deep-seated feelings of our heart, then
there will be times when the expression of our tears should
count as worship. More often than not, tears are indicative of
an emotional relationship between one person and another.” FFPW pg.129
It is possible for someone to seat in a worship experience without saying a word but the tear drop from his eyes will reveal that so much is happening on the inside much more than words could express. So, do not be quick to judge.
The man who has often felt the precious, loving and gentile embrace of the Lord is expected to be more tender and sensitive from the heart. They are different from others.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013



Sometimes it seems strange to some to show a strong desperation for God especially in the presence of others. They believe they have grown spiritually and should be able to handle every situation and as such nobody should know they are losing it. But they are very wrong because even Jesus who always had everything under control wept (John 11:35).
When people come before the Lord with a preconceived idea and philosophy of acceptable conduct in worship they give little or no room for the Holy Spirit to do what He intends to do in their lives. If you are too conscious of your class and standing among men it will become a problem for you to sincerely bow in worship to the Lord. Many do not want to be labelled a fanatic so they shut their hearts to the leading of the Holy Spirit. As the Lord spoke with his disciples he made them understand that we can only access the Kingdom when we become like a child (Mark 10:15). Has it been a problem for you to sing, clap and dance in public worship? Do you feel embarrassed to kneel down or prostrate before God? If you do not know how to honor and reverence Him in public you may not know how much harm you have done to yourself.
 “ Before we got that title or position, we were sincere worshipers.
But not long after we were blessed with this lifting
we assumed the Big Boys status. This is what somebody called
“the deacon posture.” Have you observed that most deacons
and church elders assume a particular posture in church that
seems to confine them to a very formal role in worship? This
is also applicable to many pastors.” FFPW pg. 125.
Do not cut short your glory and honor, remember God is the reason why you worship.
The greatest privilege any mortal can have is for the Almighty to call you “son”, do not trade it for anything.
If you are truly His, your spirit will easily cry out after God (See Romans 8:15), if this is not happening, it is possible you do not know Him or it may be you are backsliding. Do something about it.


Monday, July 15, 2013



The present economic downturn all over the world seems to make the future of many bleak with little or no hope in sight. It is so bad that most of the Western nations that were once considered the Promised Land are now dealing with hash economic realities. Government and systems are failing and the world is confused and uncertain about the future, but the word we read today assures us that there is hope. This hope is only in Christ, for when we have Christ in us there is the hope of glory. If you take Christ out of the way there is no hope. The Western world took Christ out of their society and government and so they took hope for a glorious future out of their way. If you want to have the hope of glory then make sure that Christ is in you and you in Him. If you have not made Jesus the Lord of your life you do not have the hope of glory. If there is no room for Jesus in your business there is no hope of glory. If He is not allowed to be a prominent part of your job there is no assurance of glory. If He is not in your vision and pursuit, there is no hope of glory. When you let Him be your glory He will also become the lifter up of your head and when others are saying times are hard you will be saying the Lord is good. If you will bless the Lord with your life your future will be blessed. The hymn writer says “because He lives, I can face tomorrow”. Jesus is the only guarantee for the future, hold on to Him and your future will be blessed.    


Friday, July 12, 2013



The story of Charles finny visiting a factory and the presence of God causing such deep conviction that brought the workers to their knees pleading for the forgiveness of their sins, reveals to us that our God is much more than words. Whatever degree of the manifestation of God’s presence you carry is a privilege. Be thankful for it and God will smile on you.
Until you are confronted with extraordinary opposition that makes nonsense all of your abilities, you may not understand why Moses said except your presence go with me I do not want to leave this place. King David understood well that the only reason he was chosen ahead of his elder brothers was nothing but the presence of God attracted upon him in the place of intimacy with God. That same presence gave him victory over the Lion, Bear and the giant Goliath. He fought and won several wars on his way to becoming the king of Israel and throughout his reign he was able to subdue all his enemies because of this presence. He was only able to escape the plot of King Saul and others with evil intention because of the presence of God. In all your getting please get the presence; God’s presence is everything. Whatever you seek can only be a blessing when the glory of God is in it.
      “A blessing without the presence of God is a curse. Check
out Lot, the nephew of Abraham who thought he was very
smart when he chose the well-watered valley of Sodom and
Gomorrah over the divine covering he had abiding with
Abraham and you will see better (Genesis 13:8-11).
Lot thought he got a blessing when he settled for Sodom
and Gomorrah, but it was a curse. He later had to run out of
Sodom for his dear life, but by this time his wife had become
a pillar of salt and his daughters later committed incest with
him (Genesis 19:15-38). ” FINDING FRESH PASSION TO WORSHIP pg.99.
When Lot settled for the well watered valley of Sodom he thought he got a blessing. It was an assessment based on face value. (Genesis 19:15-38) If your passion for anything exceeds your passion for the presence of God it will become a problem.

Thursday, July 11, 2013


FOCUS ON JESUS (Hebrews 12:1-2)                           

To focus is not primarily the function of the eye but an assignment of both the eye and mind; the staying of the mind on something. The eyes can be fixed on something but then it may be an empty gaze. The mind also can be left to wonder though the individual is hearing but not paying attention. Stay your eyes and mind on the Lord and you will not have to deal with the avoidable troubles of life.
If you are having trouble getting direction from the Lord chances are that your focus is wrong. It is possible you have allowed your mind to wonder by not controlling the various influences that are around you. It is by a predetermined purpose and effort that anyone is able to continually abide in the presence of the Lord. It is a more serious business to get more than one person to focus on the same thing with a high level of passion. It all depends on the motivation and drive of each person.
 “When you see a group of people express themselves in
worship, you can have an insight to what they know, believe,
and adore. The Lord Jesus said in Matthew 6:22 that “the lamp
[light] of the body is the eye…”5 and if our eyes are focused on
Jesus, who is the light of the world, we can never dwell in darkness.
The more we focus on the Lord, the more we become
like Him.” FFPW pg.114.
To all true lovers of Jesus, just the mention of the name “Jesus” is enough to stir up a strong passion to worship. If you are with the right crowd worship should not be a struggle.
What are the foreseeable challenges in Isaiah 26:3 to any worshipper?
Sometimes the reason people cannot see the Lord or encounter Him through us is because we talk too much about ourselves and less of Him. List the various subtle ways we are guilty of this.
Make up your mind to seek the Lord today and you will be amazed what will follow. (Matthew 7:8).


Monday, July 8, 2013


     I have often heard people say “Time is not our friend” but I beg to differ because our scripture says “to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose” if there is time to every purpose then there is a certainty that some things have been assigned to happen for our own good. And because there is a set time for you to find favour then time is your friend. It is so committed to bring to pass your moment of glory, but you too must be committed to keep that appointment with time. This is why the word of God says “time and chance happens to them all”. So what you do with the gift of time will determine whether you will celebrate or weep. If you know how to put to use time as designed by the creator, you will come to see that He makes all things beautiful in its time (See Eccl 3:11). When it is your time and you are positioned for it, He will make all things beautiful and people will say it is your time. Everyone has his time but not everyone knows his time. The B part of verse 11 says God has planted this divine agenda in our hearts but many are unable to understand it because they are far from their creator. It is only the Lord who can help you understand purpose and time. Without divine assistance you will waste precious time chasing shadows. Time is a gift, do not let it pass you by. Maximize the moment and your glory will come to full manifestation.

Friday, July 5, 2013



Thank God for those who put you on your toes, without them you may not have developed extra wisdom and sensitivity. They are your training ground for the real battle.
Some times in life we are more concerned about pleasing others to our own detriment. This is when we are too nice to a fault. It is wrong for you to always allow some people have their way only when such actions always leave you frustrated and unfulfilled. We surrender to the will of God not to the will of man. If the Lord is stirring you up to excuse yourself from a place or group of people do not try to play nice, walk away. If the radio station will not play edifying music play your own music. Choose where you want to be and dwell on the things that will take you there.
You may not be responsible for who your parents are but you are responsible for the children (result) you give birth to. Therefore be careful what impregnates your mind.
Joy is by choice, so is sadness. Choose right.




Thank God for those who put you on your toes, without them you may not have developed extra wisdom and sensitivity. They are your training ground for the real battle.
Some times in life we are more concerned about pleasing others to our own detriment. This is when we are too nice to a fault. It is wrong for you to always allow some people have their way only when such actions always leave you frustrated and unfulfilled. We surrender to the will of God not to the will of man. If the Lord is stirring you up to excuse yourself from a place or group of people do not try to play nice, walk away. If the radio station will not play edifying music play your own music. Choose where you want to be and dwell on the things that will take you there.
You may not be responsible for who your parents are but you are responsible for the children (result) you give birth to. Therefore be careful what impregnates your mind.
Joy is by choice, so is sadness. Choose right.


Thursday, July 4, 2013


ACCESSING THE REALM OF GLORY (2 Corinthians 3:7-18)

Sometimes we often become too familiar with the presence of God upon the life of a servant of God or in a place of worship and we begin to lose all that would have been in our favour. Take some time to thank God for the privilege of encountering Him in some lives and places. Do something to show your gratitude.
“Many are struggling to worship because they can’t see or
hear spiritually. They are trying to access the realm of worship
in the flesh, and this is not possible. Until we respond to
the call like John, we will never be able to enter the throne
room. “…Those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit
and in truth.” FFPW p92.
It is a waste of time trying to encounter God by your intellect. “God is a spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” any man who disciplines himself to allow the word gain access into his being will one day be given extraordinary access into the realm of glory.  The difference between a passive worshiper and a passionate worshiper is the degree of glory they are in fellowship with. Some are limited in worship because they only respond to a planned order of worship, but there are others whose worship is a divine response to a divine call. Every man who is continuously in the presence of God has a sweet advantage ahead of others in all aspect of life. Make the Holy Spirit your sweet and active companion and you will too begin to take the lead over others.
You cannot encounter new degree of glory except your hunger exceeds your present realm of glory.
No one, church or body is responsible for the degree of glory made manifest in your life. It is up to you.
If you have lost respect and admiration for people and places that once stirred up excitement in your spirit chances are, you have become insensitive and full of yourself. Jesus was the fullness of the godhead bodily yet He held in high esteem the ministry of the prophets before Him. A greater or a peculiar anointing is not a licence to disrespect others.