Monday, July 15, 2013



The present economic downturn all over the world seems to make the future of many bleak with little or no hope in sight. It is so bad that most of the Western nations that were once considered the Promised Land are now dealing with hash economic realities. Government and systems are failing and the world is confused and uncertain about the future, but the word we read today assures us that there is hope. This hope is only in Christ, for when we have Christ in us there is the hope of glory. If you take Christ out of the way there is no hope. The Western world took Christ out of their society and government and so they took hope for a glorious future out of their way. If you want to have the hope of glory then make sure that Christ is in you and you in Him. If you have not made Jesus the Lord of your life you do not have the hope of glory. If there is no room for Jesus in your business there is no hope of glory. If He is not allowed to be a prominent part of your job there is no assurance of glory. If He is not in your vision and pursuit, there is no hope of glory. When you let Him be your glory He will also become the lifter up of your head and when others are saying times are hard you will be saying the Lord is good. If you will bless the Lord with your life your future will be blessed. The hymn writer says “because He lives, I can face tomorrow”. Jesus is the only guarantee for the future, hold on to Him and your future will be blessed.    


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