Monday, September 23, 2013


The passage for today is one passage that has been misinterpreted and unnecessarily generalized when the subject of giving is being discussed. The problem is that the wrong interpretation has been preached over and again for many years and not many are careful enough to read and understand the actual issue the Lord was addressing at this point. So as we read it again please take note that he was address our attitude during arms giving (charity) to the less privileged. God does not want you to make the one you are helping feel embarrassed or look pitiable and unfortunate before others. That is why your left hand must not know what the right hand is doing. Besides what you have and the power to get wealth are from God, it was not by your power.  Hiding under the misinterpretation of verse 3 many do not give at all and others give far below their ability. The issue being addressed here is different from other kinds of giving. When the people gave in Moses’ time others saw what they gave (Read Ex 35:4-5, 21-22 & 36:2-7), this is also true when David (1Chron 21:25, 28:14), Solomon (1King 3:3-40), Barnabas (Acts 4:36-37) and even Ananias and Sapphira gave (See Acts 5:1-2)
Matthew  chapter 5:23-24 addresses the issue of a particular giving to God but it is much more than giving money, it is the offering of an animal for peace offering or some form of atonement. In this case, you are expected to leave it there and go make peace with your fellow man because you are seeking peace with God. For if you do not forgive others their trespasses you hinder yourself from receiving forgiveness from God.  But chapter 6:1-4 must not be unnecessarily generalized.


Saturday, September 14, 2013


 THE GIFT OF WORK . TEXT: Genesis 2:7-8 and 15. Proverbs 6:4-11

Many people are praying for a job surfing the web and combing the land so as to get something worthwhile to engage in, but there are many others who are dragging their feet to their places of work and this is unfortunate. If you happen to be among the latter, you need help before it is too late. Do you know that there are many who will be overwhelmed with joy to have the opportunity to be employed in your place? They will be too glad to wake up by 5:00AM, leave home and resume work.  If you have tasted the stress of idleness you will bless God for the stress of work (See Proverbs 13:4). May God not grant you an answer to your grumbling over the work you have the opportunity to do (See Prov. 20:4).  It is dignifying to say Mr X is a hard working man than to earn the reputation of a sluggard. A diligent and hard working man earns the respect of his family and neighbours but a sluggard is a nuisance to others and a problem to his generation (Prov 10:4 ). It is quite unfortunate when someone concludes that life is not fair because he thinks his neighbor’s job is more lucrative than his.  If you know how to celebrate the gift of work you will before long become the envy of many.   In the words of Rev Andrew Esemudje, “hard work is the only escape from hard life.”  There is hardly an outstanding person who is not given to work. It is someone with the sluggard mentality that will shout out “Thank God it is Friday!” because Friday is the escape from work. Such persons are only passionate about two things, the close of work and the end of the month’s payment, their true passion is not the work, therefore they are a setback to accomplishing any serious vision. Those who dread hard work, remain the slaves of circumstances and situations (See Proverbs 22:13, 26:13).


Friday, September 13, 2013


 THE HEART OF MAN (PART 4).TEXT: Proverbs 4:20-23, 14:30, 15:13, 20:5.

From Proverbs chapter 4 we are made to understand that it is our duty to control the various accesses to our heart. We were advised to become attentive to the word of God. To become attentive is to observe carefully and take seriously with an intention to comply with; the word of God. It went on to say “to incline our ear to His saying”. This is so important because the ear is one serious access to your heart. If you incline, open, submit your ear to just anything you will be in danger. The bible says “faith cometh by hearing and hearing the word of God”.  When you commit yourself to hearing the saying of the word of God through preaching, teaching, reading aloud, confessing it and other means, you grow your faith. But if you fail to do so your faith will fail.
In verse 21 the Lord instructed us not to allow his word out of sight. Keep it in sight, for out of sight they say is out of mind. Keep reading it in all forms and with time it will flood your heart. When it truly occupies your heart, the scripture in verse 22 says it becomes life to those who find them and health to all their flesh. This is awesome! The presence of God’s word in your heart gives you life and health to your flesh.  This is when it becomes possible for you to effectively guide your heart with all diligence. Once this is done, the issues of your life will become glorious. Let the word of God take charge of your heart and you will never be the same again.



 THE HEART OF MAN (PART 4).TEXT: Proverbs 4:20-23, 14:30, 15:13, 20:5.

From Proverbs chapter 4 we are made to understand that it is our duty to control the various accesses to our heart. We were advised to become attentive to the word of God. To become attentive is to observe carefully and take seriously with an intention to comply with; the word of God. It went on to say “to incline our ear to His saying”. This is so important because the ear is one serious access to your heart. If you incline, open, submit your ear to just anything you will be in danger. The bible says “faith cometh by hearing and hearing the word of God”.  When you commit yourself to hearing the saying of the word of God through preaching, teaching, reading aloud, confessing it and other means, you grow your faith. But if you fail to do so your faith will fail.
In verse 21 the Lord instructed us not to allow his word out of sight. Keep it in sight, for out of sight they say is out of mind. Keep reading it in all forms and with time it will flood your heart. When it truly occupies your heart, the scripture in verse 22 says it becomes life to those who find them and health to all their flesh. This is awesome! The presence of God’s word in your heart gives you life and health to your flesh.  This is when it becomes possible for you to effectively guide your heart with all diligence. Once this is done, the issues of your life will become glorious. Let the word of God take charge of your heart and you will never be the same again.


Thursday, September 12, 2013


The passage for today is one passage that has been misinterpreted and unnecessarily generalized when the subject of giving is being discussed. The problem is that the wrong interpretation has been preached over and again for many years and not many are careful enough to read and understand the actual issue the Lord was addressing at this point. So as we read it again please take note that he was address our attitude during arms giving (charity) to the less privileged. God does not want you to make the one you are helping feel embarrassed or look pitiable and unfortunate before others. That is why your left hand must not know what the right hand is doing. Besides what you have and the power to get wealth are from God, it was not by your power.  Hiding under the misinterpretation of verse 3 many do not give at all and others give far below their ability. The issue being addressed here is different from other kinds of giving. When the people gave in Moses’ time others saw what they gave (Read Ex 35:4-5, 21-22 & 36:2-7), this is also true when David (1Chron 21:25, 28:14), Solomon (1King 3:3-40), Barnabas (Acts 4:36-37) and even Ananias and Sapphira gave (See Acts 5:1-2)
Matthew  chapter 5:23-24 addresses the issue of a particular giving to God but it is much more than giving money, it is the offering of an animal for peace offering or some form of atonement. In this case, you are expected to leave it there and go make peace with your fellow man because you are seeking peace with God. For if you do not forgive others their trespasses you hinder yourself from receiving forgiveness from God.  But chapter 6:1-4 must not be unnecessarily generalized.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013



I once visited the prison to minister to prisoners and one of the inmates told me his story. He said his ordeal began one evening when he decided to go for a walk and suddenly somebody began screaming “that is the man, that is the man” before he could ask what was the matter? A crowd pounced on him and gave him the beating of his life. But for the intervention of the police they almost killed him. By the time he was speaking to me he had spent over 5 years in prison awaiting trial. His steps almost led to his death. May you not embark on the journey that will bring you sorrow. When this man came to the worship centre inside the prison, his steps led him to his deliverance because after prayers the day his case came up in court he was discharged and acquitted. I was in court that day to witness the judges’ verdict and his freedom. Today, in any way you have wandered into trouble God is bringing you out in Jesus name. If you have missed the way you will hear the voice of Lord behind you saying “this is the way walk in it” (See Isaiah 30:21)  Our scripture for today reveals to us that the steps of a child of God are ordered by God, therefore, because your steps are ordered by God you will always progress. You will go forward and upward in Jesus name. God will level every mountain and hill on your way and bring you to your destiny in Jesus name. Now that you are led by God you and your children can never experience lack or poverty. Walk with God in righteousness and all will be well. Shalom!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013



Our scripture for today reminds us of the need to celebrate the gift of friends. There are some who do not cherish the blessing of having friends until they encounter some alienation. We all need friends and must acknowledge it. There are people who say somebody is their friend but let the person do all the visiting and calling. When they are having an event they want others to show solidarity but when their friends need them they will come up with excuses. A friend must show himself friendly. Celebrate the gift of friends and your life will become colourful and pleasant. Take time today to let your friends know that you appreciate them. Do or say something that will encourage them and strengthens your friendship. Let your friends know that you are not a fair weather friend and you will be amazed the blessing that will follow.
Do not make your friends feel that you are better than them and much more advantaged. There are things you need that only that person can give you. You must try to make the person feel appreciated and loved. The gift of true friends will keep you and help you through life’s challenges, do not cut off your life line, do all you can to increase it. If you have any opportunity to add to your friends please do, only be careful enough to find out if the two of you can walk together. Amos 3:3.  Thank God for all your friends and ask God to help you improve your friendship. 


Monday, September 9, 2013



Thank God for those who put you on your toes, without them you may not have developed extra wisdom and sensitivity. They are your training ground for the real battle.
Some times in life we are more concerned about pleasing others to our own detriment. This is when we are too nice to a fault. It is wrong for you to always allow some people have their way only when such actions always leave you frustrated and unfulfilled. We surrender to the will of God not to the will of man. If the Lord is stirring you up to excuse yourself from a place or group of people do not try to play nice, walk away. If the radio station will not play edifying music play your own music. Choose where you want to be and dwell on the things that will take you there.
You may not be responsible for who your parents are but you are responsible for the children (result) you give birth to. Therefore be careful what impregnates your mind.
Joy is by choice, so is sadness. Choose right.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013


GRATITUDE (PART 5). TEXT: PSALM 78:40-43, 53-56.

Most of the time, it can be so easy to see how ungrateful we are by just looking at the focus of our prayers and religious commitments. Most of ours prayer are more of the give me, I want, I need, and the likes. It is only a display of our ingratitude and spiritual shallowness when we pray and say “If you do not do it I will not serve you”. We say that as if we are doing God a great favor by serving Him. If you know the price people pay for serving idols and all kinds of things, you will appreciate the price our Lord Jesus paid for us to be able to serve God. We are not even worthy to serve Him but He by His sacrificial death on the cross made us worthy.
 When our worship and passion are tied to the provision of our needs, then it is obvious that we have not known Him (Phil. 3:10). The reason why the worship time of adoration and intimacy suffers little patronage and that of prayer request enjoys a great participation is because we are so ungrateful. Miracles, signs and wonders by themselves will not help anyone deepen their walk with God, if it does, then the children of Israel, who Moses led out of Egypt would have been the most spiritual individuals in all of history. Your ability to express gratitude to God when it seems nothing much is happening is a sign of the depth of your walk with Him. People who are like this often end up with unusual blessings. Be grateful.

Monday, September 2, 2013



 “The rest of our lives unto eternity will never be enough to
show Him how much we love Him. So don’t let one more hour
go by without expressing your love to Him. Let your worship
rise to Him as a sweet fragrance of love, for He is worthy of our
worship.” FFPW pg. 128.                     
Often than not we worship by just going through the routine. We say words we are not fully committed to. When most of us pray over our meal it is just another religious obligation and sometimes we cannot even remember what we said. The kind of prayer that changes circumstances and situations are often very sincere, heartfelt, and soul stirring. They may not have all the flowery words, heavy vocabulary and poetic rhymes but they produce the desired result. 
“If the shedding of tears
does truly convey the deep-seated feelings of our heart, then
there will be times when the expression of our tears should
count as worship. More often than not, tears are indicative of
an emotional relationship between one person and another.” FFPW pg.129
It is possible for someone to seat in a worship experience without saying a word but the tear drop from his eyes will reveal that so much is happening on the inside much more than words could express. So, do not be quick to judge.
The man who has often felt the precious, loving and gentile embrace of the Lord is expected to be more tender and sensitive from the heart. They are different from others.