Friday, September 13, 2013


 THE HEART OF MAN (PART 4).TEXT: Proverbs 4:20-23, 14:30, 15:13, 20:5.

From Proverbs chapter 4 we are made to understand that it is our duty to control the various accesses to our heart. We were advised to become attentive to the word of God. To become attentive is to observe carefully and take seriously with an intention to comply with; the word of God. It went on to say “to incline our ear to His saying”. This is so important because the ear is one serious access to your heart. If you incline, open, submit your ear to just anything you will be in danger. The bible says “faith cometh by hearing and hearing the word of God”.  When you commit yourself to hearing the saying of the word of God through preaching, teaching, reading aloud, confessing it and other means, you grow your faith. But if you fail to do so your faith will fail.
In verse 21 the Lord instructed us not to allow his word out of sight. Keep it in sight, for out of sight they say is out of mind. Keep reading it in all forms and with time it will flood your heart. When it truly occupies your heart, the scripture in verse 22 says it becomes life to those who find them and health to all their flesh. This is awesome! The presence of God’s word in your heart gives you life and health to your flesh.  This is when it becomes possible for you to effectively guide your heart with all diligence. Once this is done, the issues of your life will become glorious. Let the word of God take charge of your heart and you will never be the same again.


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