Thursday, July 10, 2014


TEXT: Hebrew 13:1-2
1.      Let brotherly love continue.
2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertain angels unawares. KJV.  Also read Genesis 18:1-15.

One Bible Character to whom our text for today was a strong reality is Abraham and his wife Sarah. From them we learn true faith and hope against all hope. A careful study of their lives will reveal to us the need to take God at his word and the need to wait till we see it come to pass. In Genesis 12:1-3 the call and promise of God to Abraham was given and as we read,  it became very clear to us that our God is true and faithful to his promises even when we are unstable and unfaithful. From the life and story of Abraham it became clear that often than not, that the presence of Angels in our lives is in keeping to the promise of God. The activities of angels are always around and about the word of God. It is either the annunciation of or the reminder of a promise of God. Whenever people are praying about a promise given by God they begin to activate a response from heaven that may trigger the release of angels. The appearance of an angel to Cornelius in Acts was an answer to prayer and Peter was then moved to do and experience that which he least expected as he preached and witness the release of the Holy Spirit on the gentiles. When the Lord along with two angels appeared to Abraham in Genesis 18:1-15, it was to fulfill the word given in chapter 12:1-3, 17:15-21. One very important lesson we must understand hear is that angels will always act and speak in conformity to the word of God and if any is in doubt he or she should please study the word of God to see if it is so. Angels really do not respond to the word or call of man but rather, they respond to the word and command of God. Study the word, pray the word and live the word and angels won’t be far from you.    

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