Thursday, November 20, 2014


TEXT:  Exodus 25:8, 9 and 40 (AMP)
8 Let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them.
9 And you shall make it according to all that I showed you, the pattern of the tabernacle or dwelling and the pattern of all the furniture of it.
40 And see to it that you copy [exactly] their pattern which was shown you on the mountain.
From our text for today, we understand that God in giving his servant Moses an assignment did not only told him what He wanted but He also went on to give him clear and vivid description of just what he wanted. The statement “And you shall make it according to all that I showed you,” is a clear indication that our wisdom and abilities are not good enough to accomplish a God given assignment. We all need an upgrade to be able to accomplish the task. You cannot do it your way and expect it to produce His result. If you want divine results you need to follow a divine pattern.
In verse eight of our text the LORD told Moses the assignment “Let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them.” Many people want to accomplish something extraordinary but only few persons care to go to God for a divine pattern. A lot of people are busy attending one conference or seminar after another hoping to study and apply the pattern of another man without spending quality time with God. The very man whose pattern he desire to copy was able to get the attention of men because he invested quality time in receiving clarity and directions from God. Until you spend quality time downloading your own instructions from God you will never be able to receive the divine pattern needed to take you to the next level of glory.

Any man who has been able to sustain a steady progress and succeed in his field in amazing ways has paid a price that only few are ready to pay. Don’t be quick to criticize them with your idea or philosophy that has not been tested, you may end up making a fool of yourself. Be wise.  

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