Thursday, November 26, 2015



TEXT: John 6:62-63 King James Version (KJV)

62 What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before?

63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

At the closing of the year 2014, the Lord laid these declarations in my heart. "Towards the close of this year into next year (2015), a lot of things will happen economically, but all you need to do is stay where God is. If you leave where God has placed you to where God has judged, you will go down with the people."

A careful examination of the above declaration will reveal to you that only God could have made that possible. The prevailing economic hardship all over the world is alarming and it is obvious that there are places that are badly hit by this challenge. There are places that were once very lucrative to be in, but today people are struggling to survive there. From the word given, we were warned against making hasty decisions without seeking the face of God.

Lot left Abraham, and went to the well-watered garden of Sodom and Gomorrah, by the time God rained judgement on Sodom, he was running out of it with his life. Unfortunately, he lost all his wealth and his wife. He came of out Sodom with just his life and two daughters, every other thing was lost. Be careful what you settle for, seek God’s face, do not be in haste to conclude, because haste can cause you to make decisions that are not the will of God. It was clearly stated that the only way of escape is for you to be able to recognize where the presence of God is and stay there. If you will be able to die to your fleshy tendencies and ambitions, you will be able to escape the ensnarement of your soul.

Take note that we are warned about settling for a place under God's judgement; that will require a lot of sensitivity to discern. Some people right now think they are better and more fortunate than others because of where they are, but when the judgement of God visits such a place they will be fortunate to come out alive like Lot. Don't be in a hurry to arrive in life. Wait on the Lord, He is never late.

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