Thursday, April 10, 2014

Revelation 2:5 “Remember then from the heights you have fallen. Repent (change the inner man to meet God’s will) and do the works you did previously (when you first knew the Lord), or else I will visit you and remove your lamp stand from its place, unless you change your mind and repent”. AMP.
             The withdrawal of the presence of God from our midst is often as a result of our look warmness and disobedience to God’s word. In the book of Revelation 2:5 God was talking to the church in Revelation, then in Exodus 33:2­-7, a lot of issues here, one, God finds it difficult to force Himself on any one.  Often and again God has told the children of Israel this is I want you to do, and they did this, so He said to Moses let me not destroy them, I will send an angel because if I continue I’m going to kill them, so let me send an angel to help take you to the promise land. You will still get there but it won’t be me, it would be an angel. Moses later on in this passage said “Lord if your presence will not go with us then let’s just stay here”.
            Too many people have taken serious decisions without being sure God is there and then later they wonder why they failed. You ought to have gotten serious confirmation that He has gone ahead of you before you took your step, it is very important for every one of us to have this deep down inside of us. We shouldn’t do anything that will make Him pull away but rather we should do that that will attract His presence throughout our lives and it’s very possible.

It is a very big mistake to embark on any journey in life without the assurance of God’s presence, it’s a big mistake.

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