Wednesday, August 20, 2014


TEXT: Acts 20:33-35 (TLB)
33 "I have never been hungry for money or fine clothing—
34 you know that these hands of mine worked to pay my own way and even to supply the needs of those who were with me.
35 And I was a constant example to you in helping the poor; for I remembered the words of the Lord Jesus, ’It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ "

If anyone truly understands the benefit of anything it affects the way they would respond to the opportunities. We live in a world where the majority is more concern about how much they can grab for themselves than they can bless others with. Most people will suddenly become lukewarm once they realize that a particular service will not add more money to their pocket or prestige to their name. But from our text of today we see how the Apostle Paul laboured to see to it that the need of those with him are met and that the poor can be given some help. He then went on to explain the motivation for his actions by quoting the Lord Jesus saying ’It is more blessed to give than to receive.’  When a man chooses to be a blessing to others, he provokes heaven to release more supply to him because it is obvious that once he is blessed others will be blessed too. When you choose to store your blessing in a container it has a maximum capacity but when you choose to be a distribution channel there is no limit to what you can accommodate. Make up your mind to be a blessing and you will be amazed the degree of glory that will come with it. ’It is more blessed to give than to receive.’  

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