Monday, September 21, 2015


Wednesday, September 23rd

Psalm 141:3Amplified Bible (AMP)
Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth;
Keep watch over the door of my lips [to keep me from speaking thoughtlessly].

How you hear is more important than what you hear. Everyone must be careful, quick to hear but slow to speak. Being quick to hear does not mean you need to have your ear for everything, it means your ear should be so selective and sensitive to discern what you hear.

Also, we must learn to open our mouth with wisdom, not just anything that comes to mind. You weigh your words before you speak. The reason God gave us two ears and one mouth, is so you can hear twice as much as you talk.

A lot of people have mortgaged their destinies, they have truncated divine agenda for their lives by their actions and words. Some people would have achieved a lot in life but for the careless words of their mouths (Prov. 6:2). The ensnarement they have is not as a result of any form of demonic oppression but words from their own mouths. If a number of us would learn to keep our mouths shut for most of the time, our lives would be glorious.

Some people have been fasting and praying without any result, because each time heaven is prepared to do something in their lives, they use their mouths to negate it. You can hear and receive a prophetic word and only for you to nullifying it with your mouth. Every prophecy from God is powerful, but what you do between the prophecy and the appointed time of its fulfilment is so vital, as it will determine its materialization. So if you got a prophecy that did not materialize, it may be more important for you to take time out to look inward first. Ask yourself sincere questions to find out what you did between when the word was given and the time it was expected to come to pass. If you find that you need to make amends, do so ASAP. Change your attitude and by God’s mercy, your blessings will manifest to take you to a new altitude.

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