TEXT: 2 Corinthians 5:21King James Version (KJV)
21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
If certain situations in your past led to the alteration of something about your life that is causing you to go downhill, by God’s righteousness you can receive renewed life. There is newness of life for you today in the righteousness of God. Jesus died to redeem you totally from sin and its dominion. In the Old Testament, the atonement for sins covered the sins but in the New Testament it blots out sin. Jesus offered Himself once and for all and took away our sins completely. It is one thing to have your sins forgiven, it is another to have it taken away. If you had owed someone money and have been forgiven only to have them tell you that they have not forgotten your debt then you are not truly free. You need to understand what it means for God to forgive and take your iniquities away. When the Lord forgives, He takes away every trace to it.
He has taken away whatever has been standing in your way preventing you form entering into your breakthrough and whatever has been disqualifying you from your blessings all these years as soon as you yielded to His will. If there is any sense of guilt or condemnation in your heart, it is time to speak the word of God against it until it bow. He has taken away every sin but you need to deal with the voice of the accusation and condemnation from the accuser.
Though you did not qualify for it, but by His blood you have been made worthy. He became sin who knew no sin, that you might become God’s righteousness, because His blood speaks for you, there is no more condemnation.
Do not listen to the lies of the devil trying to demoralize and deceive you, by making you think you are unworthy. If you will come to God, He will accept you. His loving kindness and mercy is upon your life to terminate every judgement against your life through the power of His righteousness in you. Arise from your depression and prostration and shine.
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