Friday, October 30, 2015



TEXT: Exodus 33:11-14King James Version (KJV)

11 And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. And he turned again into the camp: but his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the tabernacle.

12 And Moses said unto the Lord, See, thou sayest unto me, Bring up this people: and thou hast not let me know whom thou wilt send with me. Yet thou hast said, I know thee by name, and thou hast also found grace in my sight.

13 Now therefore, I pray thee, if I have found grace in thy sight, shew me now thy way, that I may know thee, that I may find grace in thy sight: and consider that this nation is thy people.

14 And he said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.

Too many believers are too restless and busy about that which cannot last. Too many people cannot bear the pain of allowing God to break them till they become ready. Only those who are broken in the presence of God can break forth without breaking down. If you will know how to pray and breakthrough in prayer, then you have to start by taking your eyes away from every distraction that will come your way, only then will you experience the glory.

Too many of us rush away from the presence of God before the Lord is done with us. In this same passage, Moses took time to ask God to show Him the way, which speaks of the heart and desires in the heart of God but not many are interested in that. Until you find the way, you cannot find the glory.

All the while Moses was praying to God, Joshua was there and he saw the way Moses dialogued with God. Until you find the presence of God, you cannot rest in the glory.

If you will deposit your life on God’s altar, His glory will flow through you. You get to a point where nothing else really matters except the glory, then things begin to happen miraculously. When the devil tries to attack you God’s glory on you will frustrate his attacks.

Beloved, spend time in the presence of God, that is where the glory will rest on you as you encounter divine visitation and total transformation. If you truly seek Him, you will find Him.

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