Monday, October 12, 2015



TEXT: Habakkuk 2:4 King James Version (KJV)
4 Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.

It is a big mistake to depend on our senses in the spiritual battles of life. You must work on your senses until they are totally subject to the will of the Holy Spirit. There is the place where your senses are exercised and your eyes can see what the natural eyes cannot see. You begin to have access beyond your senses as He gives you glimpses of what you ought to do and where you ought to be. This place is the secret place of the Most High (Psalm 91:1), no darkness can survive, nor can any evil can prevail there.

This is where the Lord will begin to reveal to you secrets on how to go from one victory to another in the course of the year and if you miss the way He will instruct you on the right way to go. God is saying if you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land this year. If you have lost some chances in the previous years, as you follow Him, He will cause you to find favor before men. This is when an individual is singled out for uncommon blessings in ways that beats the imagination of many. If you will walk with God, He will bring you to that place where which is seen as impossible begin to fall in place. In the eyes others such outrageous blessings on one individual makes it look like God is unfair but the truth is that favour is not fair.

Do not look at your present situation and calculate with your head. God has much more in store for you. When your senses cannot see how you qualify just let build up on the inside as you stretch your senses by the word of God. If you got a word form the Lord and are wondering if He will keep His word. He is saying to you today He has not forgotten you and He will bring His word to fruition. All He wants is for you to be patient as you walk with Him. You will be settled this year in Jesus name. Amen. From this moment, the glory and grace of God will make the difference for you in Jesus name. CONGRATULATIONS!

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