Thursday, March 17, 2016


MARCH 17th

Psalm 105:1-5 Amplified Bible (AMP)
1. O give thanks to the Lord, call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the people.
2. Sing to Him, sing praises to Him;
Speak of all His wonderful acts and devoutly praise them.
3. Glory in His holy name;
Let the hearts of those who seek and require the Lord [as their most essential need] rejoice.
4. Seek and deeply long for the Lord and His strength [His power, His might]; Seek and deeply long for His face and His presence continually.
5. Remember [with awe and gratitude] the wonderful things which He has done, His amazing deeds and the judgments uttered by His mouth [on His enemies, as in Egypt],
The things we talk about and meditate on are often empowered and magnified in our lives.

Our text for today admonishes us to talk about God’s marvelous deeds and not our problems. As we talk about His marvelous deeds we proclaim His power and faithfulness and as we do so, He will take care of our problems.
A careful study of the Bible will reveal to you something fascinating. Any time the children of Israel praised God for His mighty works and
deliverance, something unusual and glorious will happen. Verse 3 of our text tells us to “Glory in His holy name: let the heart of those rejoice who seek and require the Lord [as their indispensable necessity] (Amp. version).”

When we talk about His marvelous works, it is important that we give all the glory to Him. In addition, recognize, acknowledge and celebrate the Lord and rejoice by testify to the glory of His name. Don’t be like those who would make so much noise about their problem before God
once they have their breakthrough, you won’t find them again. Glory in His
name and let everyone know that He is your indispensable necessity. An
attitude of gratitude guarantees divine bliss. Stay grateful.

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