Tuesday, September 3, 2013


GRATITUDE (PART 5). TEXT: PSALM 78:40-43, 53-56.

Most of the time, it can be so easy to see how ungrateful we are by just looking at the focus of our prayers and religious commitments. Most of ours prayer are more of the give me, I want, I need, and the likes. It is only a display of our ingratitude and spiritual shallowness when we pray and say “If you do not do it I will not serve you”. We say that as if we are doing God a great favor by serving Him. If you know the price people pay for serving idols and all kinds of things, you will appreciate the price our Lord Jesus paid for us to be able to serve God. We are not even worthy to serve Him but He by His sacrificial death on the cross made us worthy.
 When our worship and passion are tied to the provision of our needs, then it is obvious that we have not known Him (Phil. 3:10). The reason why the worship time of adoration and intimacy suffers little patronage and that of prayer request enjoys a great participation is because we are so ungrateful. Miracles, signs and wonders by themselves will not help anyone deepen their walk with God, if it does, then the children of Israel, who Moses led out of Egypt would have been the most spiritual individuals in all of history. Your ability to express gratitude to God when it seems nothing much is happening is a sign of the depth of your walk with Him. People who are like this often end up with unusual blessings. Be grateful.

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