Thursday, September 12, 2013


The passage for today is one passage that has been misinterpreted and unnecessarily generalized when the subject of giving is being discussed. The problem is that the wrong interpretation has been preached over and again for many years and not many are careful enough to read and understand the actual issue the Lord was addressing at this point. So as we read it again please take note that he was address our attitude during arms giving (charity) to the less privileged. God does not want you to make the one you are helping feel embarrassed or look pitiable and unfortunate before others. That is why your left hand must not know what the right hand is doing. Besides what you have and the power to get wealth are from God, it was not by your power.  Hiding under the misinterpretation of verse 3 many do not give at all and others give far below their ability. The issue being addressed here is different from other kinds of giving. When the people gave in Moses’ time others saw what they gave (Read Ex 35:4-5, 21-22 & 36:2-7), this is also true when David (1Chron 21:25, 28:14), Solomon (1King 3:3-40), Barnabas (Acts 4:36-37) and even Ananias and Sapphira gave (See Acts 5:1-2)
Matthew  chapter 5:23-24 addresses the issue of a particular giving to God but it is much more than giving money, it is the offering of an animal for peace offering or some form of atonement. In this case, you are expected to leave it there and go make peace with your fellow man because you are seeking peace with God. For if you do not forgive others their trespasses you hinder yourself from receiving forgiveness from God.  But chapter 6:1-4 must not be unnecessarily generalized.


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