Wednesday, September 11, 2013



I once visited the prison to minister to prisoners and one of the inmates told me his story. He said his ordeal began one evening when he decided to go for a walk and suddenly somebody began screaming “that is the man, that is the man” before he could ask what was the matter? A crowd pounced on him and gave him the beating of his life. But for the intervention of the police they almost killed him. By the time he was speaking to me he had spent over 5 years in prison awaiting trial. His steps almost led to his death. May you not embark on the journey that will bring you sorrow. When this man came to the worship centre inside the prison, his steps led him to his deliverance because after prayers the day his case came up in court he was discharged and acquitted. I was in court that day to witness the judges’ verdict and his freedom. Today, in any way you have wandered into trouble God is bringing you out in Jesus name. If you have missed the way you will hear the voice of Lord behind you saying “this is the way walk in it” (See Isaiah 30:21)  Our scripture for today reveals to us that the steps of a child of God are ordered by God, therefore, because your steps are ordered by God you will always progress. You will go forward and upward in Jesus name. God will level every mountain and hill on your way and bring you to your destiny in Jesus name. Now that you are led by God you and your children can never experience lack or poverty. Walk with God in righteousness and all will be well. Shalom!

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