Monday, November 4, 2013



When you obey God in first fruit it is not like giving offering though it is a form of offering. You give offering but you pay tithes and first fruit because they are not your own. They are like tax. When you obey in tax you are paying what you owe the government, it is not a donation. When a man obeys God and pays his first fruit, he activates certain blessings to be released over his life. As he comes before the man of God he is acknowledging that it is the favour of God that made the job or business possible. When the pastor brings it before the Lord and prays there is another blessing that follows the man. It entitles the man to be eligible for other favours. Romans 11:16 makes us to see that obedience to God on the first fruit will secure the rest or other part of the blessing that follows. And remember that God is to get the first and not even the second. If you put him first, then all others will be under His divine covering. It may be tough the first time you try this but soon you will come to see the benefit and awesome blessings that goes with it and then you won’t have to fear or worry. There are blessings you cannot walk into until you walk in total obedience to God. For some years now we have been beneficiaries of the uncommon blessing that comes from obeying God in first fruit. If you are disciplined and you allow God to lead you to plan to obey in the release of your first fruit you will begin to see the uncommon blessing that goes with it. God has more in store for you than you can ever imagine. Go for it; go for God and you will live to testify. Daily Devotional by Rev. Igho Y; the Glorious Fountain Ministries.  

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