Tuesday, November 12, 2013


TEXT: 2 Kings 3:11-12.  

It is common to speak of the glory of a king and not many of us are careful enough to see the glory of a servant. There is a glory that goes with a servant who has faithfully served his master. It all depends on whose servant you are. One who serves the president of the United States of America is not in the same level as one who serves a local government chairman. The servant of the Most High God is not in the same level with the servant of your village idol. The glory that goes with the master is the fragrance that goes with the servant. The servants of God are called the anointed of God because they have the fragrance of God on them as it rubs off on them in the cause of tarrying in His presence. In 2 kings 3:11 Elisha was described as the one who poured water on the hands of Elijah, this is an example of true service, not only did he get rewarded for it, it was also confirmed that the word of the Lord was with him. The word had to be with him because of the kind of service he gave his master; Elijah would often be stirred to share deep and important things with him. This kind of blessing does not come by reading a book or by requesting for special prayers. It is a kind that you provoke, that is why Isaac requested for Esau to go hunt down an animal, prepare it for him to eat before he will bless him. There is a glory that goes with the servant that renders such service.  Many people today have not been able to attract this kind of glory because they are too full of themselves. Too many are in a hurry to make it in life so they are unable to provoke the blessing that glorifies a servant. When Jesus finished his work, he was bold to ask the Father to glorify him with the glory he had with the Father before he came on his earthly mission (John 17:5). When a servant lifts up his master, kings will be forced to come down for him (2 Kings 3:12) Many servants are leaving their masters without the much needed glory that will dignify them. What about you? What do you carry?. Daily Devotional by Rev.Igho Y; the Glorious Fountain Ministries. 

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