Friday, November 15, 2013


TEXT: Mark 9:7-23

It is important to celebrate every little manifestation of the presence of God in our lives and meeting. It is not our right, it is a glorious privilege.

I wish I can give you a formula to help you know what to do to attract a particular desired degree of glory but that is only possible in the world of magic. What we have is greater than magical acts. However, the truth remains that any man who is in continual fellowship with God never ceases to amaze his generation. To fellowship with God is to commune with wonder and glory and no man coming from such fellowship comes empty. From scriptural and contemporary accounts, when some mortals are visited by angelic beings they struggle to stand on their feet. The reason why they struggle to stand is because when such angles visited they came wrapped up in the awesome glory of God. When a man spends quality time in the presence of God similar things happen and people fall under their ministration or by mere contact with them. When this happens we say the man is anointed. Your time of fellowship is a time to be submerged in the power and the glory of God. Do not joke with it.


- If your fellowship with God is intact nothing will become too hard for you to handle.
- Men and demons respect the anointing more than any title, credentials or position. Go for the presence of God.

- Find some time to be alone with God today and take note of the things He brings to your attention. You will be amazed what will come out of such moments. Daily Devotional by Rev. Igho Y; the Glorious Fountain Ministries.

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