Tuesday, June 18, 2013


TEXT: Proverbs 22:28-29.

To be able to successfully promote any vision there are certain key players. These are often human elements that occupy strategic positions that are important to the realization of the vision. Their importance is not related to their job title or position but their passionate commitment to the realization of the vision.  They make things happen with little or no stress. Any serious leader is not so concerned about your certificates or qualifications; he is concerned about the degree of impact you make to actualize the vision. The attitude with which such key players carry out their assignment is an encouragement. For them, the actualization of the vision gives a strong sense of fulfillment. Any serious leader will do anything to encourage and keep a passionate, enthusiastic and optimistic fellow, as they make the burden lighter and easier. If a subordinate is more enthusiastic than you are, you are giving a wrong signal to your superior. Promote the vision and you will be promoted along. Devotional 2013 by Rev. Igho L.Y: The Glorious Fountain Ministries. 

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