Friday, June 7, 2013


TEXT: Genesis 6:5-7.

If the Almighty God himself got to the point where he felt disappointed about the heart of the man he created, then it is really true that the heart of man is wicked. Our passage of today says “that God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth”. If a man wants to be great, why should it be in wickedness? It is strange. It went on to say “...every imagination of the thought of his heart was only evil continually”. Are there no other things to occupy ourselves with? Why must it be evil? It was not even evil for a while, it was continually evil. This is really wickedness. What is in your heart? Will God be happy with the content of your heart?

 When God created man he celebrated his handwork; he saw man and said “it was very good” (Gen. 1:31) but not long after, that which was very good became “only evil continually”. This is an abuse of purpose, an error of the highest order. Wickedness is first and foremost a sin against God because it is a corruption of his divine agenda. If a man can choose to disobey his creator then there is nothing he cannot do. Do not allow your heart to be the breeding ground where the devil manufactures evil. Fill your mind with the word of God and there shall be no room for wickedness.  Devotional 2013 by Rev. Igho L.Y: The Glorious Fountain Ministries.

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