Tuesday, August 12, 2014

YOU ARE A DIVINE AGENDA (Philippians 2:12-15)

YOU ARE A DIVINE AGENDA (Philippians 2:12-15)
Sometimes we become oblivious of the reality of a divine agenda even with our lives thinking we or certain actions are inconsequential and that is a serious illusion. Make up your mind to make the most of today.
“ Every one of us has been carefully thought of before we
were assembled together and delivered to our generation. God
our Creator took time to put in place the things we need to succeed
in carrying out our divine assignments (2 Peter 1:2-3).” FFPW p104
By our decisions and actions we choose to occupy a realm of life that is either attractive or ignoble.  A man can choose to rise to a certain height and accomplish it if he has spent quality time in the presence of God to know what to do. Three to five years is enough time to pursue a dream and accomplish it to make a lasting impart in your generation. If you conceived it in the presence of God you will certainly deliver it by the grace of God (See Zachariah 4:5-7). Not every pursuit attract the grace of God. There is a great difference between your fleshy ambitions and a divine agenda.
“It is true that by the fall of Adam we inherited a fallen
nature, but by the redemption of Christ Jesus we can now have
divine access to the throne of grace and become partakers
of His divine nature and power (2 Peter 1:3 and Hebrews
4:14-16).” FFPW p  105.
If you think your life does not really count take a look at the lives of those you think are making a difference and you will come to see that they also have their challenge.
Sometimes people are hardened to God because we have failed to manifest the glory of God to them. Choose to bring glory to God by doing something impactful with your life today.
-          REV. IGHO Y.

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