Thursday, May 15, 2014


Exodus 33:9
“And it came to pass, as Moses entered into the tabernacle, the cloudy pillar descended, and stood at the door of the tabernacle, and the Lord talked with Moses”. AMP.
         When Moses entered into the tabernacle the cloud descended, the people where seeing from afar a visible cloud of glory descending. And when he was done the cloud lifted. But the bible says a young man by the name Joshua the son of Nun (verse 11) departed not from the presence of the Lord, he stayed there.  And you know what became of Joshua when Moses needed somebody to continue from where he stopped, who took over? Joshua, because more in the presence of God.
         For  every one of us who says its only those who are ordained that should manifest the presence of god, the work be more easier for your pastor when we begin to manifest the diversity of operations of the gifts of the spirit of God. The work becomes easier and the church will grow better because people will be seeing the manifestation of God upon you and say how it is happening.
          We think that the only way to bring people to church or the ways to get people to come to church is to have evangelism so we go to a place, erect something and do crusade. The fastest way of bringing people to church is by manifesting wherever we are. That’s what Jesus said in Acts of the Apostles, that was the method, the bible says “and the Lord added such that should be saved daily into the church”, they didn’t wait for evangelism.  Jesus said the power of the Holy Ghost will come upon you and you shall be my witness.
          When you work with the Lord people will of their own volition come to you and start sharing their problems with you, you don’t have a title written on your head “Pastor”, they see the glory of God and they come and say “I don tire for life”, and they start telling you their lives. But before they get to that point they have seen something that you carry. And except you are manifesting the glory of God they don’t do that because you don’t have the answers to their problems so they leave you, that’s the reason why we need to get deeper more with God.
When you stay more in the presence of God you become a candidate for unusual success and progress in life.

(Transcribed from the Fragrance of Glory, copy right, March 17th, 2012).

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