Sunday, May 8, 2016



TEXT: Mark 10:15
15.  Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.

Sometimes it seems strange to some to show a strong desperation for God especially in the presence of others. They believe they have grown spiritually and should be able to handle every situation, and as such nobody should know they are losing it. But they are very wrong because even Jesus who always had everything under control, wept (John 11:35)

When people come before the Lord with a preconceived idea and philosophy of acceptable conduct in worship, they give little or no room for the Holy Spirit to do what He intends to do in their lives. If you are too conscious of your class and standing among men, it will become a problem for you to sincerely bow in worship to the Lord. Many don’t want to be labelled a fanatic, so they shut their hearts to the leading of the Holy Spirit. As the Lord spoke with His disciples He made them to understand that we can only access the kingdom when we become like a child (Mark 10:15). Has it been a problem for you to sing, clap and dance in public worship? Do you feel embarrassed to kneel down or prostrate before God? If you do not know how to honour and reverence Him in public, you may not know how much harm you have done to yourself.
“ Before we got that title or position, we were sincere worshippers. But not long after we were blessed with this lifting, we assumed the Big Boys status. This is what somebody called “the deacon posture.” Have you observed that most deacons and church elders assume a particular posture in church that seems to confine them to a very formal role in worship? This is also applicable to many pastors.” FFPW p125.
Don’t cut short your glory and honour, remember God is the reason why you worship.

The greatest privilege any mortal can have is for the Almighty to call you “son,” don’t trade it for anything.

If you are truly His, your spirit will easily cry out after God (See Romans 8:15) if this is not happening, it is possible you do not know Him or it may be you are backsliding. Do something about it.

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