Monday, July 6, 2015



TEXT: Isaiah 60:1King James Version (KJV)

60 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.

When Esau choose to satisfy his belly due to hunger, he despised his birthright over a plate of pottage. That could be one reason God did not choose him to carry the covenant. God preferred Jacob over Esau because He looked at the nature of Jacob and saw a fighter, somebody who would always protect what is handed to him and even increase it. But He looked at Esau’s nature and saw a compromiser. God wanted to hand down the covenant that will lead to the coming of Christ to a capable hand. 

The covenant that He cut with Abraham, and was passed to Isaac, was supposed to be handed down to the elder of the twins, but God rejected Esau. If Esau had received the covenant, it is possible for him to have traded it for something trivial.
When you have a compromising stand, you disqualify yourself of heavenly blessings and covenant. You thought you went scot free of a particular sin because nobody saw you, you have only succeeded in cancelling your name from God’s list of honor. There are many persons who were enlisted for glory, but they never made it, because, somewhere along the line, they exchanged the glory for shame. Sin will make a man loose his reward. BE WARNED. 

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