Monday, July 6, 2015



TEXT: Isaiah 60:1King James Version (KJV)

60 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of theLord is risen upon thee.

Living for God is meant to make life beautiful and glorious but some people feel living for God has too much restriction, and so they cannot enjoy life as they want. For such persons the pleasure they derive from certain activities or lifestyle is the ultimate. The Bible says the pleasure of sin is for a season and that implies that there are ugly consequences to live with afterwards. When that season is over, people end up in bondage or at least some regrets.

But for those who are disciplined enough to delay their fleshy gratifications there the reward is sure to follow. Right now there are people who are mounting up on eagles wings like the Eagle, rising into places you cannot imagine. They will soar very soon because they have been consistent in their walk with God. This is the kind of man God will honor. Looking at some people you may think they are not making any progress now, but just wait and in a little while they will begin to manifest. They have been marked for uncommon glory in the next few years. The world will see great and awesome things break forth in the lives of those who have made up their minds to be rigidly righteous.

If you choose to enjoy the pleasure of sin, you cancel the benefit of tomorrow. The Bible, for example says, marriage is honourable, but the bed undefiled. When you defile the bed you annul the honor that goes with your marriage. God has something glorious for you and you must not miss it. God is positioning men and women all over the world to manifest the glory of His kingdom. If you fail to let His glory be seen through your life by living for Him, you will disqualified yourself. Take a stand for righteousness today. 

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