Friday, January 22, 2016


Jan 27th

TEXT: Ecc. 11:6, Prov. 11:24
Eccl. 11:6
In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good.

Prov. 11:24
24 There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty.

The secret of prosperity is not how much you have in your bank account, but how much of a blessing you have become. Whenever you take time out to be a blessing, you activate that which releases the blessing of heaven over your life. In this place you cannot experience lack, because, you have activated some spiritual laws that can only be released by being a giver.
One of such laws as established by our Lord Jesus himself is “Give and it shall be given unto you…” and that verse closes with the words “shall men give unto your bosom”. So, if people are not giving to you, it may be very possible that you are tight fisted.
The fact that you are a Pastor does not exonerate you from the principles of the word of God. If a pastor refuses to give, he is not qualified for this blessing.
 If you see someone whose life bears evidences of the grace of God that you desire, wisdom demands that you sow into his life, especially financially, and in so doing, you connect into and activate the release of that grace into your life. This may be with or without the knowledge of that individual. You cannot do this and stay stranded in life. Some aspects of your life will begin to experience strange favours as the Lord will ensure that you are well taken care of.
The blessings that follow this principle can be in different forms. For example, obeying the laws of giving saves you unnecessary spending on sickness and disease. There are those who went through a year without stepping one foot into the hospital.

The Bible says when you tithe, God will rebuke the devourer and open the heavens to you with blessings, that there will not be enough room to receive them. Ish 1:19 says if you are willing and obedient you will eat the good of the land. Beloved, you have to understand that recognition of spiritual principles, and living your life in obedience to them, activates the release of heavenly blessings. Do something to move your destiny forward today!

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