Monday, October 12, 2015



TEXT: Psalm 89:20King James Version (KJV)

20 I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him:

When we walked into this year, the Lord laid it in my heart to declare 2015 as the year of Glory and Rest. He made us see that as the glory of God increases in our lives, the quality of people it attracts to our lives will also increase (Ish. 60:3). This scripture made us see that Kings will come looking for you when the light on your inside shines brightly. As long as the light is covered or obscured your glory will not manifest. It is the manifest glory of God that gets the attention of Kings. That is why it speaks of them coming to the brightness of your rising. If you will stay with God succeeding in 2015 will be a process, and you have to stay with it, if you fail to follow through everything will be useless.

Beloved, 2015 belongs to those who will walk by faith (Heb. 3:19). There are very important things that need to come to pass in your life this year and they would not manifest without faith. The promises God has spoken to you cannot manifest without His involvement, they will fade away like a mirage. Faith in God is the title deed that will authorize you to operate successfully in 2015, that is why you cannot afford to risk walking by your senses. Let go and let God, then the glory will follow.

When we walk with the Lord, we do not need to struggle, because a life so closely knitted with God will always enjoy the backing of the Lord. (Psalm. 89:20). When the Lord fights for a man no enemy or foe will be able to recover from such defeat.

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